
Posterior sealing

In the case of most of the late 19th-century and early 20th-century buildings still standing, plinth insulation and insulation of underground foundation walls against the absorbing water and the pressure of groundwater was not applied. By now, the water getting into the sturctures and the accompanying freezing and melting have resulted in significant damage and deterioration of these buildings, which are in several cases under monument protection.

In these cases, conventional sealing solutions cannot be applied; the problem can be solved only by posterior sealing. The posterior sealing technology is based on injecting walls under pressure against the absorption of water through the capillaries, as well as against water intrusion and groundwater pressure.

The type of the posterior sealing injection is varying; silicone micro-emulsion is applied against the absorption of water, and we apply synthetic resin and different gels against groundwater pressure and water intrusion.

Our company undertakes full-scale construction of posterior sealing of buildings, basements, bridges, roofs, monuments, etc.

For completed works, please check our references